Thursday, 30 August 2012

Fantasic Box♥♡

I've given this present from Yumi!

Gosh! Gosh! Gosh!

When I opened this box, of course, was totally surprised!! I wanna be a person who can make surprising for someone:p



Egg's n things

Oh, my dear!

Finally, I went there, Egg's things! I bloody love pancakes, so was super happy:)♥ Even though, I made queue for half hour outside. You should try!

NEW Shoes!!

Hi, girls.

I think all girls love shoes. Of course, me too! But it's not really easy to find out shoes how we like. Especially, for flat shoes. So, I was looking for that so long time. Then, I've met my cup of tea♥ It's this! Actually, I've got it from ZARA.( I don't really wanna tell that, to be honest. hehe) It looks like "repetto", doesn't it? It's not expensive as you girls could easily imagine. However, it doesn't seem cheep:p It's very subtle, chic and... simple!!! Whenever I can't coordinate my outfit, just wear black. It's not really wrong way!:p

Well, am happy to meet my new shoes anyway!