So we were together. Actually I sometime think about the way how to keep good distance with them. Cuz we live in same home . It looks like whole family. But it's not real family. To be honest, I wanna be real family. Even "looks like". We have different culture and life style. I think it's totally different. So it's not easy to be real family, isn't it. Of course, I really like my host family. I just sometime think about it. It doesn't mean. But they said to me they have forgotten I'm guest. And also said to me I'm part of family. You know, I was really happy when I head about that. Maybe I hoped they say that... I really thank them now. I'm happy to meet them. And also live here as well. If I rejected to stay here when I was in Japan, I couldn't see them. I like my home and my host family who are really sweet and understandable. I wanna keep in touch with them even if I go back.

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